April 22, 2006

It's been a little while

I haven't been keeping up with updating this very much. I've just been busy with random stuff. Since the weather has brightened up, I've been spending my afternoons at Heber or Latona instead of playing football or hanging out on campus. It's been a lot of fun, but I've been missing out on quality homework time. And I've also just haven't had the desire to write about anything in my blog.


Easy as always. Yesterday while on the clock, I went to Grandpa's BBQ and ate dinner, left again to sign out Arbuckle back at campus, and left a hour early. Today, no one has shown up so I've just been playing basketball and off and on watching "Friday After Next". I'll probably be leaving at around 5 instead of 9 like I was scheduled. Tommorrow I have to be up here at 7:30 in the morning to open up, but after I unlock everything I'm going to get in my sleeping bag and sleep for a while. I don't mean to brag, but it's without a doubt the easiest job that I know of.


Going pretty good actually. I looking to finish out for this semester with a 3.4 or 3.2 GPA for 12 hours. I had 15 hours until Monday when I dropped my Algebra class. I found out that I didn't even need it for my major; I needed Stats instead. So taking that class was completely pointless. Also, I had gotten behind so it was pretty much impossible for me to even end up with a B in the class, so it was going to kill my GPA. And it also opened up my afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday so that was an added bonus. For next semester I have almost all of my classes. I have 13 hours signed up right now, and after I get a teacher override I'll have 16 hours. I got all the classes that I wanted for the time slots that I wanted too, so I'm pretty excited.


I'm pretty excited about the summer too. I love working at the golf course. It's not quite as easy as working at the Carmichael, but I don't really have much to do there either. It's just really nice to be out in the sun all day, and having a good time working. I'm also ready just to be home. I'm going to miss having all my friends in walking distance of me, but it will be nice to have my own room and to see all my friends from high school. Gerald was originally planning a trip up to Oregon, but apparently now it's a trip to Vancouver. It should be pretty crazy, but I'm excited. Gerald will be up in Tulsa all summer, so that will be sweet. I'm sure there will also be trips to Nashville, Texas, and other random places throughout the summer.

The Harding Game

I almost forgot about this. If you don't know what the Harding Game is let me explain. My friend Drew Fralick invented this game. You pay 2 dollars to get in. The game starts on Wednesday morning at chapel when one person is handed the football. If you are in possession of this football it has to be in sight and with you at all times. You can get the ball by any means necessary. The ball must be returned to a mat in the middle of Harding Park on Friday afternoon in between 3 and 3:15. And you can't drive a vehicle onto Harding Park so someone must carry the ball onto the mat. So pretty much everyone in the game and lots of spectators are there at Harding Park on Friday to see what goes down. Last semester was the first time the game was ever played and my room mate Austin Bryan got really lucky and won the game last year, so he started off with the ball on Wednesday morning. So in the middle of chapel he walks out and I have a car waiting for him. Then we just burn some time until it's time for our 10 o'clock Bible class. So me, Ryan, and Austin are walking up a flight of stairs in the Bible building and right as we get to the top of the stairs, we hear this guy Derek Wilson talking to Kristin Dellapace (both of these people are in the game), and he says "Austin Bryan has the ball right now". Right as he says this he looks over and sees he us so me and Austin pick up our pace while Ryan throws Derek up against a wall. Then me and Austin are running then as he is about to walk into class I tell him to pitch me the ball, so he does and I run off with the ball, and no one knows I have it. Fast forward to Thursday afternoon. We were actually getting bored with the Harding Game. We really didn't have any action, so we call Drew Fralick and tell him that we're bringing the ball into the caf at 6. So we expect a huge brawl. So we have our crew at the back of the caf and then Jordan Whetstone provides a little bit of a diversion so Bear (Nathan Hoffman) can run up and try to steal the ball, well pretty much 5 of our guys jump on him and pretty much everyone in the caf was watching it was amazing. So we run out of the caf with the ball. So 2 hours later another brawl happens in the Armstrong courtyard, and somehow we end up with the ball again even though we were going up against some hosses. Fast forward to about 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. We have our plan ready, and we're all getting ready to just go crazy. Our plan was to have everyone except me, RF, Sloan, and JonMark create a diversion with our fake ball that we had, by running up at the front of Harding Park. Our crew of 4 were going to come up from back either through a creek or a house. It ends up we come up from a creek in Harding Park, but we didn't realize how long it would take for us to come up the creek. So right as we hear that everyone found out that it's the fake ball, we run up from the creek. It was pretty intense; I was running up with the ball and all I see was a huge mass of people. So then about a 12-minute brawl goes down between our crew about probably 15-20 people against about a dozen huge football players. Somehow this hoss from our side Brady Easter ends up ripping the ball out of a guys arm and crawls to the mat and wins the game. It was amazing. A crew of pretty much freshmen was able to beat a contingent of some upperclassmen football players. We ended up winning about 75 bucks so we're going to just throw a party and celebrate our victory. 3 people ended up with dislocated/every ligment torn shoulders, one man with a fractured ankle, and another with serious lower back pain. But it was so worth it. And after the huge brawl everyone just shook each other hands because we all just had a fun time going all out against each other.

Hopefully you made it all the way through the Harding Game description without zoning out...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the harding game monologue was sick. i didn't read a lick of it.

and so much for walking distance...i'm moving...i think you're the only one that didn't know that. so there.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way, considering the name of this website's domain, you are officially a:


and flamer.

10:42 AM  

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